I was lured to Recoleta Cemetery yesterday by the annual Mass for the fieles difuntos (the faithful departed). You’ll hear 2 November referred to as either the Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) or Día de los Difuntos (All Souls’ Day). It’s all new to me. It was never a date I marked religiously in my calendar before the cemetery worked its spell on me.
The ceremony was held inside the magnificent Pilar Church next door in case of rain, although we ended with a procession to the cemetery’s Cristo Central roundabout. Squashed into a pew beside lovely people from the Association of Friends of Recoleta Cemetery, I was caught between feeling awkward and amused as I tried to stand up and sit down in the right places and throw in the odd ‘amen’ to show willing. It would have been tricky enough in English.
Throughout the service, the ‘stage’ was flanked by two soldiers from the Regimiento de Patricios, in their traditional Spanish-style uniform of red, white and blue, a tall feather poking out of their hats. I was fascinated by their ability to stand so still.
Afterwards, as I set about taking photos, which was my main mission of the day, my head was spinning with images of crowns of thorns, soldiers and colourful saints. Everything was possible and ordinary objects seemed to tell stories of long-ago times and places.
To my excitement, I discovered the cemetery has a Second Cherub UFO. Reflected scaffolding let me play with the idea that around this time of year the veil dividing our worlds is more tenuous. I can see a good connection going on here between heaven and earth.
For my other Cherub UFO photographs, click here and here.
I was born in Montreal in 1967, grew up in England and live between London and Buenos Aires. Like many, I came to Buenos Aires to dance tango and fell under the spell of this city where strangers talk to you, tango music seeps on to the streets and the ornate crumbling buildings speak of grander times. I love writing and crafting words – I've worked as a sub-editor for more than 20 years – and taking photographs.